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health & wellness

Boringly Obvious HAES Principles Terrify Us

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HAES: Health At Every Size logo

One of several theoretical orientations in which my counseling practice is rooted is that of Health At Every Size. The phrase was coined by Linda Bacon [correction: used by Linda Bacon, but not coined by her, as explained in her comment below] in her book Health At Every Size: The Surprising Truth About Your Weight. The phrase took off and is now used by many folks in a variety of helping professions, particularly health care workers, who have pledged their support for HAES as defined here:

Health at Every Size is based on the simple premise that the best way to improve health is to honor your body. It supports people in adopting health habits for the sake of health and well-being (rather than weight control). Health at Every Size encourages:

  • Accepting and respecting the natural diversity of body sizes and shapes.
  • Eating in a flexible manner that values pleasure and honors internal cues of hunger, satiety, and appetite.
  • Finding the joy in moving one’s body and becoming more physically vital.

From a purely logical standpoint, these principles are wholly uncontroversial.

And yet, somehow it still seems that controversy around these principles, and the theoretical orientation of HAES as a whole, abounds. Those of us who support HAES, and call into question theories, diet plans, studies, etc. that privilege body size/weight over health, offering instead these very reasonable and boringly obvious principles, are routinely responded to with an emotional strength—and sometimes viciousness—that we find surprising. But if we search deep down in ourselves, even some of us HAES supporters and practitioners sometimes have trouble really integrating the principles. We accept them logically, and yet it is hard to really feel like we believe them deep down.

I have given a lot of though to why this might be, and I believe it’s because HAES shines a light into the dark corners where we cling to power and control, and ultimately illuminates our unconscious terror of death.

Now I would bet that I might have just lost you. I would bet that while some of you reading this might agree that you are afraid of death, many of you would say that you do not worry about or fear death, or even really think about it. And I believe that’s true, albeit on a conscious level. But I am not talking about conscious thoughts or worries, I am talking about unconscious anxiety and terror.

One of the things that sets humans apart from other animals is that we have a deep capacity for self-awareness. Self-awareness—being aware of the existence of the self in space and time—brings with it an awareness that we will some day cease to be. That one day we will die. Therapists and philosophers might use the term “existential terror” to discuss the unconscious anxiety this provokes.

And I think this is why conversations about health and body size/weight are so emotionally charged for many of us. We are not conscious about our anxiety that ultimately we are not in control of these bodies in and through which we experience the world. We are not consciously aware of the existential terror that we feel about the prospect that our bodies will get old, broken, ill, and eventually, we will die.

This is all unconscious because facing the reality of the inevitability of illness and death is scary and painful. It is much easier to avoid, ignore, repress that awareness and the feelings that come with it. And one of the best ways to do that is to convince our conscious selves that we are in control. That if we eat the “right” foods, in the “right” amounts, and we move in the “right” ways for the “right” duration, that we will be able to control our bodies. We will be free of illness and injury. The rational part of us is convinced that by doing these “right” things we will die peacefully in our beds at a very old age while we still feel healthy and young. The irrational part somehow believes we won’t die at all if we can be good enough at controlling this body we inhabit.

The problem is that it’s all ultimately an illusion. Careful examination of the real data suggests that the correlation between body size/weight and health is tenuous (recent research covered here, Big Liberty has a great collection of resources here, and I am working on my own list of resources here). Consistently, we are faced with evidence that we cannot control the size of our bodies, as any studies that show weight loss do not include long-term follow up. Consistently, we are faced with the reality that people doing all the “right” things still get sick—they get diabetes, they get cancer, they get injured. And they die. We all die. I will die. You will die.

In terms of rationality, HAES is the only logical way to approach our bodies. HAES says we make good choices insofar as our abilities, finances, time, etc. allow. It says we control what we can control, and we let go of what we can’t control. But the reason that HAES is so controversial is that its boringly obvious and unswervingly rational principles do not ultimately address our underlying terror about illness and death. We have to work through that before we can allow ourselves to let go of what we can’t control, which is that we will get sick and/or old, and we will die.

The cultural myth that we can control our bodies through “right” behaviors is so very powerful because deep down we are terrified that we have no control over our bodies at all, especially the fact that ultimately our bodies will fail us (i.e. die). HAES elicits defensiveness, fear, and anger precisely because it questions that powerful cultural myth. But we don’t have to remain stuck in the anger, fear, and defensiveness, because HAES provides a third way of relating to our bodies. HAES says that we can’t possibly have total control of our bodies, but it’s also not true that we have no control. HAES says there are some things we can control. There are some choices we can make. Choices that support our holistic wellness, including all facets of being human: physical, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and social.

If your initial reaction to HAES is one of defensiveness, anger, or fear, take a moment to breathe. Take a moment to be present to your feelings. Acknowledge them. Honor them. Feel what it is to be fully human. And see if you can let HAES teach you how to hope. See if you can let it show you that you don’t have to beat your body into submission, or berate yourself for being imperfect. See if you can let it show you that your body is a precious gift that deserves to be treated well and allowed to simply be what it is.

Be Still?

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The following is the full text of the May edition of my monthly column, Tea & Empathy, in the Redmond UMC Newsletter. Click here to go to the RUMC website to download the newsletter.

Be still and know that I am God
– Psalm 46:10

This well-known scripture is frequently heard in our Christian communities. It’s often used as a reminder to us not to worry, to relax and trust in God. It may be used to remind us that “God is in charge” and allow us to let go in situations where we are trying to control something that really cannot be controlled. But what does this really mean, to “be still”? I am wondering how many of us are able to really and truly be still. To be quiet—silent even!—with ourselves.

Several years ago, while I was in seminary, I went on a three-night private retreat. I saw the value in being alone with my thoughts, and planned to spend a good portion of time there in silence and prayer. What I discovered, unfortunately, was that going from “60 to 0” was quite a shock to my system. I had been so accustomed to working hard, filling my time, running from one place to the next, that to truly stop and be quiet was overwhelming. All my demons, all my fears and anxieties and other painful emotions, suddenly became unavoidable. Unequipped to deal with such a shock to my system, I left the retreat early.

As I look back on this experience of my younger self, I realize that what I needed was not to go from “60 to 0” but instead to first try going from “60 to 55” and then work from there. When we come to understand that we need to spend more time being still, it’s important to realize that the process needn’t be an overwhelming shock to our system. It can be a slow and gentle process of learning to acknowledge those demons, to simply have (rather than trying to avoid) those painful emotions.

If you are feeling the need or the Spirit’s pull to “be still,” how about taking ten or fifteen minutes each day to turn off the TV, silence the phone, and take some time to simply breathe and pay attention to what’s going on in your body. In the stillness, just breathe in and out, and check in with your heart, mind, and body. Ask yourself what sensations you are experiencing, what feelings you are having. And when you feel a painful feeling—like anger, sadness, or fear—try to just experience it rather than avoid it or talk yourself out of it.

I believe some people can do this on their own, but most will need resources of support in this process. A book I strongly recommend to those feeling the pull to learn how to “be still” is Shadows of the Heart by the Whiteheads. Another resource that can be very useful is spiritual direction or counseling, especially if you begin to feel overwhelmed or stuck. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need some assistance in finding resources.

The concept of being still can be scary and overwhelming, but stillness is a precious gift that God has given us. Don’t miss out on it because the demons have gotten overwhelming. There is hope. We can all know what it means to “be still and know that I am God.”

Kindness towards our bodies in the new year

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The following is the full text of the January edition of my monthly column, Tea & Empathy, in the Redmond UMC Newsletter.  Click here to go to the RUMC website to download the newsletter.

Did you make new years resolutions this year?  I made two.  One was to be more intentional about journaling.  The other, much more difficult and important, is that I have resolved to be kind to myself, and the most difficult aspect of that, for me and for many of us, is to be kind to my body.  After all, this is a time when we are bombarded with advertisements for diet plans and gyms, we are reminded of our “overindulgences” of holiday food and drink, and we are told that there is something inherently flawed or deficient about our bodies that needs changing.  It’s a powerful cultural message, and I believe each and every one of us, to one degree or another, has internalized it.

So I’m here to propose a different way, a better way, a freer way.  How about, instead of holding our bodies up to an external standard, we learn to trust and listen to our bodies?  It is in this way that we can truly be kind to our bodies and our selves.  Instead of trying to fit the size and shape of our bodies into a culturally defined (and thus external) norm, what if we accept the size and shape of our body, as it is now… no ifs, ands, or buts?  What if, instead of adhering to rigid (again, external) diet plans, we learn to trust our body’s hunger cues to tell us what and when we need to eat?  What if we found ways to play and dance and enjoy the way our bodies can move and work, instead of forcing ourselves into external expectations about going to the gym X times per week, or spending X hours a day “exercising”?

What I’m proposing is a radical idea: to make peace with our bodies.  Peace, after all, is a radical proposition in any form.  At Christmas we talked about Jesus being the Prince of Peace.  Often, that word “peace” gets watered down to mean something closer to “niceness,” an artificial politeness rather than the kind of radical trust and vulnerability that is required for true peace between peoples.  If we all took the charge for peace seriously, we would have to face the reality that peace is political.  It means no more war.  It means no more oppression.  It means no more divide between rich and poor.  This is the fundamental message of the Christ, who showed us how to live in peace with one another.  It is a charge that we Christians today are not living up to very well.

But even if we wanted to live up to this charge of peace better, how could we ever get there if we’re not even at peace with our own bodies?  If our mind and our body are not integrated, not working in tandem, without kindness and trust, there is no peace within us.  And if there is no peace within us, then how can we be at peace with others?  How can we seek peace in the world?  So yes, what I am calling us to is radical.  I’m calling us to radical kindness, trust, acceptance, and love of our own bodies, for that first step is the only way that we can ever begin to find that same radical kindness, trust, acceptance, and love of our neighbors next door and all over the globe.

A medicine redesign to address missed doses

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If you’ve ever had to take medication on an on-going basis, whether for a week or a month or for years, you probably have experienced forgetting to take your meds. We often have the best of intentions, but then something happens to upset our schedule or it simply slips our mind and before we know it, we miss a pill—or more.

Sometimes it’s not even forgetfulness but rather lack of motivation. Sometimes the pill may have side effects we want to avoid, even though deep down we know the medication is ultimately good for us.

It is not unusual for clients who are seeing me for depression/anxiety to say they are “feeling worse” this week and after a bit of investigation, we find out that they haven’t been taking their meds or the full dose they have been prescribed.

Well, NPR has a fascinating story up today about an artist in France, Mathieu Lehanneur, who has some conceptual redesigns of medicine to make us more likely to take them.

From an inhaler in the shape of a coffee cup to a pill dispenser for children that becomes sick itself if the medication is not taken, these ideas are really interesting.

I tend to find that building medicine and vitamins into my routine, taking them at meal times every day, generally works pretty well for me not to forget them.  But that’s not nearly as fun as an “onion-like” medication where you peel off one layer a day!

What do you think?  Would something like this make you more likely to take your meds?  Or at least more fun?

Live your life well

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Do you ever feel a general sense of a lack of well-being?  Maybe you are not sleeping as well as you would like, but don’t feel your problem is serious insomnia.  Perhaps you wish you were happier, but don’t believe that you are depressed.  Maybe you wish you had more energy or just felt better in general.  The way we have managed to organize our society doesn’t always allow us to take time to rest, allow ourselves to sleep as much as we need to, or spend the money and time creating nutritious, tasty meals.  We often feel we are always on-the-go, grabbing a bite here and there, trying to squeeze 8 hours of sleep out of 6 hours of time, and never having quite as much time as we’d like with our family.

What would it take to slow down, cut out unnecessary obligations, and really allow ourselves to engage in self-care?  Perhaps just the realization that we are worth it; that our pace of life isn’t healthy or sustainable, and simply, we deserve to live a more relaxed, connected, satisfied life.

The United Methodist General Board of Church and Society points us to the Live Your Life Well website, launched in anticipation of Mental Health Month in May.

Live Your Life Well is a national public education campaign dedicated to helping people better cope with stress and enhancing their well-being. Stress can take a huge toll on a person’s health, mood, productivity and relationships, but specific, evidence-based tools can help counterbalance these effects, according to Mental Health America.

The site suggests 10 guidelines to live your life well:

  1. connect with others,
  2. stay positive,
  3. get physically active,
  4. help others,
  5. get enough sleep,
  6. create joy and satisfaction,
  7. eat well,
  8. take care of your spirit,
  9. deal better with hard times, and
  10. get professional help if you need it.

The website gives more information about each of these ten and suggestions for implementing them in our daily life.  It also provides wonderful resources for managing stress.  For more information, check out the Live Your Life Well website or the Mental Health Awareness Month website.

Meeting us where we are

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There is a very thought-provoking article up on Slate right now called The Vancouver Experiment.  It details a drop-in center in Vancouver, BC where addicts can come to get their fix.  Yes, you read that right.  Of course, the center doesn’t provide drugs; the folks have to bring their own drugs, and they have to inject themselves.  There are booths which provide a safe place for users to use.  According to the article:

For many of the users, the injection room is a first point of contact with the health care system. Users get medical treatment from the nurses, who clean and bandage abscesses and give referrals for further care. The addicts are a deeply traumatized population, many with mental illness and histories of abuse and so require an extraordinary amount of patience. An oft-repeated dictum for the staff at Insite is to “meet people where they are.” It is a constant effort to be nonjudgmental about the choices addicts make.

This is a place where folks who struggle with debilitating addictions can be “met where they are,” without judgment or moralization.  They come to this place, get high in a safe environment, and have access to some basic health care and other help.  When they are ready, they can enter a two-week detox program located upstairs in the same building, and graduates of that detox program can take advantage of temporary housing on the third level until they are able to secure more stable housing.

This is a truly revolutionary approach to health care.  So often, we expect people to reach a certain level of health or wherewithal before we are even willing to help them.  Many health care providers require folks to be “clean” or “sober” before giving treatment, others may expect other behaviors or attitudes before willing to provide help.  Here at this place, the health care and social workers are meeting the folks exactly where they are, so that when they are willing to enter a process of healing, they will have trusted individuals to whom they can turn for help.

I did a 20-month internship with Craig Rennebohm of the Mental Health Chaplaincy during my masters program.  While I spent most of my time there placed at the Recovery Café, a drop-in day center for folks recovering from addictions and homelessness, I was incredibly blessed to have Craig as my supervisor because he taught me so much about meeting people where they are.  Craig is a true example of this, as he literally goes to where the people are–on the streets of Seattle.  He goes to them and respectfully, compassionately, and patiently reaches out a hand in friendship.  By meeting people exactly where they are, Craig has opened doors to healing and new connection for many folks.

Another example of meeting people where they are can be found in the life of Jesus.  As he traveled and ministered, he ate with “sinners” and “saints” alike, communing with tax collectors and prostitutes and lepers–those most cast aside by society.  While he challenged and encouraged them to grow, he always started by meeting them exactly where they were, reaching out in peace and love.

I wonder what the world would look like if more of us lived like Jesus, like this Vancouver clinic, or like Craig.  It would certainly be a place of much deeper compassion in general, but I also wonder if it would be a place where folks found that healing and recovery would come easier in the midst of a community that truly supports rather than judging and moralizing about one another’s behavior.

A prayer for Mental Health Awareness Week

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October 4th-10th is Mental Illness Awareness Week. My mentor and internship supervisor, Craig Rennebohm of the Mental Health Chaplaincy, wrote the following prayer in honor of the week:

We pray for all who struggle with brain injuries, mental illness, addictions, trauma, and abuse; for all who are fearful and anxious, and for all who suffer in the health of their self and personhood.

We pray for our families in their love and care and limits as they seek to provide relief and foster recovery for loved ones.

We pray for counselors, nurses, doctors, therapists, psychologists, social workers, and case managers, for their good training; and for the administrators and support staff of mental health centers, clinics, and hospitals.

We pray for our neighborhoods, that in every community there may be effective outreach, doors that open readily to care, supportive housing, meaningful work, and opportunities to share in sport, craft, art, and fellowship.

We pray for our public servants, representatives, and leaders, that they may organize effective systems of service and care, blending well the strengths and power of local, county, state, national, and world resources, both public and private.

We pray for institutions of research and learning, sot hat the human community may advance in its understanding nad treatment of mental disorders.

We pray for the conditions of peace, justice, and harmony necessary to the health of us all.

We pray for this congregation, and for all communities of faith, that we may continually take up the work of healing and care as we each are able.

We pray that each may have a home, that all may rest safely and be well.